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Journal Articles

NA Tu, KS Wong, M.Fatih Demirci, YK Lee. Toward efficient and intelligent video analytics with visual privacy protection for large-scale surveillance. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-31, 2021.

A Maratkhan, I Ilyassov, M Aitzhanov, M.Fatih Demirci, AM Ozbayoglu. Deep learning-based investment strategy: technical indicator clustering and residual blocks. Soft Computing 25 (7), 5151-5161, 2021.

D. Issa, M.Fatih Demirci, A. Yazici. Speech Emotion Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 59: 101894, 2020.

A. Boluk and M.Fatih Demirci. Object Recognition based on Critical Nodes. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 22(1), pp 147-163, 2019.

Y. Sirin and M.Fatih Demirci. 2D and 3D Shape Retrieval using Skeleton Filling Rate. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 6, pp 7823-7848, 2017.

M. Akimaliev and M.Fatih Demirci. Improving Skeletal Shape Abstraction using Multiple Optimal Solutions.Volume 48, Issue 11, pp 3504–3515, Pattern Recognition, 2015.

M.Fatih Demirci. Retrieving 2D Shapes using Caterpillar Decomposition. Machine Vision and Applications, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp 435-445, 2013.

A. Shokoufandeh, Y. Keselman, M.Fatih Demirci, D. Macrini, and S. Dickinson. Many-to-many Feature Matching in Object Recognition: A Review of Three Approaches. IET Computer Vision, Volume 6, Issue 6, 2012.

M.Fatih Demirci. Graph-based Shape Indexing. Machine Vision and Applications, Volume 23, Number 3, pp 541-555, 2012.

M.Fatih Demirci, Y. Osmanlioglu, A. Shokoufandeh, S. Dickinson. Efficient Many-to-Many Feature Matching under the l1 norm. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Volume 115/7, pp 976-983, 2011.

M.Fatih Demirci, B. Platel, A. Shokoufandeh, L. Florack, S. Dickinson. The Representation and Matching of Images using Top Points. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (JMIV), Volume 35/2, pp 103-116, 2009.

M.Fatih Demirci, A. Shokoufandeh, and S. Dickinson. Skeletal Shape Abstraction from Examples. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 31, Number 5, pp 944-952, 2009.

M.Fatih Demirci, R. van Leuken, R. Veltkamp. Indexing through Laplacian Spectra.Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Volume 110/3, pp 312-325, 2008.

M.Fatih Demirci, A. Shokoufandeh, Y. Keselman, L. Bretzner, and S. Dickinson.Object Recognition as Many-to-Many Feature Matching. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Volume 69, Number 2, August, pp 203-222, 2006.

A. Shokoufandeh, L. Bretzner, D. Macrini, M.Fatih Demirci, C. Jonsson, and S. Dickinson. The Representation and Matching of Categorical Shape. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Volume 103, pp 139-154, 2006.

Other Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

S. Soltan, A. Oleinikov, M.F. Demirci, A. Shintemirov. Deep Learning-Based Object Classification and Position Estimation Pipeline for Potential Use in Robotized Pick-and-Place Operations Robotics, 9 (3),63. 2020.

S.F. Adali, M. F. Demirci, A. M. Ozbayoglu. Automated Image Matching and New Readings for Cyrus the Great's 547 BC Campaign in the Nabonidus Chronicle (BM 35382 = ABC 7). Die Welt des Orients, Volume 47, Issue 2, 153-185, 2017.

T.Can, O. Sigirci, O. Abul, and M.Fatih Demirci. Informatics Olympiads in Turkey: Team Selection and Training. Olympiads in Informatics, 9:225-232, 2015.

S.F.Adali, M.Fatih Demirci, M. Ozbayoglu, O. Ergin. Why the Names? Anubanini and His Clan in the Cuthaean Legend. Gephyra 11, (2014) 15–28.

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